How have you all been? I am hoping all of you - each one of my friends are as good as I left them and even better.
I am putting up a neat, quick breakfast or snacktime recipe - Seviyan Upma.
Ingredients :-
Seviyan - 1 cup
Beans - finely chopped 4/5 stalks
Carrot - finely chopped 1
Peas - a handful
Onion - 1
Tomato - 1 pureed
Peanuts - handful (fried)
Turmeric powder - 1/2 tspn
Mustard Seeds - 1/2 tspn
Salt - as per taste
Garam Masala - 1 tspn
Green Chillies - as per taste
Curry Leaves - optional but good flavour
Method -
Roast the sevian on slow flame
On the other hand boil the chopped veggies and the peas with a wee bit of salt
Chop the onions.
In a wok add some oil and when it heats add the mustard seeds till they sputter
Add the chopped onions and when they are fried add the tomato puree and fry till it leaves the oil
Add the turmeric, salt and garam masala powder and the curry leaves
Fry for about 1/2 a minute
Add 2 cups water and let it boil
Then add the roast sevian and stir and cook till the water has evaporated
Add the boiled the veggies and stir
Then add the peanuts
You can garnish it with some corriander leaves
Serve it with either ketchup or green chutney or just as it is
This is a quick and delish breakfast / snacky item that I make to save my skin at times!!!
Try and let me know
Take care and I am hoping a few visits at least, and I will be back sooooooon