Before the year ended I had posted the Best of 2007, wherein I had mentioned that I had received a gift from Hotel Choclat....after much hue & cry - I finally got the packet one day.
I was excited beyond words - not that I had never won a competition before, but this really meant something for me.. Cooking is a passion in my life, n me having won for soemthing which is so close to my heart - really really meant a lot to me. N moreover I had soo many people who seemed so absolutely proud of me - my husband, my MIL, my parents, my friends - all of them....& I was gleaming. When I opened the packet I was shocked to see that the packet had been messed with, n there were open wrappers lying in the box. I suspected this coz the box did weigh lighter than the first time it had come for delivery & was given back because of an unpaid Customs Duty Bill from the Consigners behalf. Me being me - was not ready to give up on ethics, n I needed to get the courier guys by the neck to find out where the box went. Then there was suddenly my husband, who very calmly said - "you know what, just let it go - even this one box is very precious & enough for us". I was totally touched & I was left without a word to say....I just gave him a big hug n said "so be it". There were 16 pcs that I got, I honestly kept one pc each for all those who had so eagerly waited for the box to arrive, n the rest (which was very very little) we both shared. I treasure the book - hopefully I shall be able to give some of the recipes a try. My name shows here in the winners list
I will always, always cherish this memory in my heart. No joy can match this profound love.
Pictures are all that I can share with you - my wonderful friends - without whom I wouldnt be doing I what I am doing today with a good part of my day i.e., BLOGGING.
Thank you.
A friend of mine once brought me chocolates from France and hung the packet on the bolt outside my door as I wasn't at home. I didn't know till she asked me many many months later whether I had got them! I'm glad you got to salvage at least a few! And the books look good.
Congratulations Shella!:)
You should have asked the mail person or office about it. It's their responsibility to deliver packages intact. They will do it again if you don't complain atleast!
Do enjoy what you got anyway, books looks good!:)
Congrats Shella..that's quite some achievement...bask in it's glory...I know it did suck a bit, but that was such an accomplishment...well done :-)
Congrats. Yeah i do agree with Asha.
congrats on ypur win, shella. it is sad that people don't respect their jobs enough to perform them with integrity.
enjoy the fruit of your efforts.
Oh congrats on the book! Thanks for sharing this because Todd's mom belongs to a chocolate club and this would be a great gift to her. She looooves chocolate!
BTW- our first cooking video is up!
that is wonderful, Shella! Congratulations!
the book looks good :)
Congrats again on your win hon and I echo the thoughts of the others about people not taking their jobs seriously.
Congratulations, Shella. I know that this incident is upsetting but the book is with you as is the honour of winning.
Oh my goodness. CONGRATULATIONS! I absolutely love Hotel Chocolat.
Girls - I am sorry i hv been missing fm the scene...But thanks for all your lovely comments.
Hey shella..that is a wonderful gift to receive and forget talking baout the delivery guyz..I have always had probs with them!
Congrats, that's a great achievement. Too bad about the package though - doesn;t it just make your blood boil?
BTW - have finally posted on the Arusuvai recipe, though I did it a while ago.
hi Shella, are u too on hibernation like me? u doing, friend?
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